As I have stated many times in my blog, I think all women of the world are beautiful. I have never stated that one race is better than another nor will my mind ever conceive such a thought. The comment from the post before this one was quite directed and was obvious of it's origin. Perhaps a jealous female of British origin, from Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. Am I close? A couple things that I would note, "as knuckle dragging Asian girl" are a few of the words used in the comment. 1.odours
2.colours 3.neighbours 4.wankers
It really amazes me at times why so many Asian girls strive so hard to be like Western women. They look up to the west and follow your hair styles and clothing, skin care and basically idol western women. Yet one would have to ask why?, when Asian girls are thought to be so low by ones they admire so much.
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